
Purple Haze ch23

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Literature Text

Purple Haze

By: Aurora Collins

Disclaimers: I do not own Inuyasha or any of the characters associated with it. I'm only borrowing the characters to amuse myself and hopefully others. ^__^

Ch. 23 Countdown

Shippo looked up at the ticking clock. The red numbers blared twenty and soon it counted down to nineteen. Shippo could feel his heart racing because he knew that the end was near. Would no one save them? That is when Shippo felt the hand of Kouga and he was met with a smile.

“Die with honor Shippo,” Kouga said, feeling that this would be it.
Shippo didn’t want to think like that, but for the sake of dignity he responded, “Die with honor Kouga.” The clock continued to tick downward to their ultimate demise. It wasn’t until Shippo heard the familiar words, “Wind Scar,” that his hope finally regained.

The door to the decompression room was unhinged and the clock died with the sound of metal ripping apart. Metal pieces flung past them and their freedom was imminent. Inuyasha came in and yelled out, “Come on! We have to go!” It didn’t take much persuasion to convince them that they had to get moving. Things were moving fast and it wouldn’t be long before guards would come to stop them.

Kouga breathed out, “Where’s Ryo?”

“We ran into some trouble on the way here and he became the decoy. I don’t know where he’s at, but we can’t worry about that now,” Inuyasha responded.
The alarm blared and red light came from the ceiling blinking. The halls darkened and only the glow of red could be seen off the walls. The group ran down the corridors until they were met with their adversaries. The guards had finally arrived and between Inuyasha, Shippo and the Kouga clan, they were a team unmatched. The assailants were dispatched rather quickly as they were on their way to the meeting point that was pre-arranged.
Shippo had to be carried by Ginta because he was too weak to carry on. With the physical damage he sustained, he feared that he may be a hindrance. The torture he sustained would take weeks for him to heal completely and at this moment, he was completely useless. It didn’t take long to bust through the front line.

When they thought things couldn’t get much worse, when they entered an open area there was an all-out battle going on. Humans were fighting for their rights and the rebellion was in full swing. Blood was everywhere and dead bodies scattered the floors. They had to fight their way through in order to make it to the atrium, but just as they came to the end another alarm sounded.

The ruckus of the battle died as it drowned out everything. “Warning! Warning! Gravity mode turning off in 5…4…3…2…1…” the robotic voice chimed over the alarms and when it reached one everything spun out of control.
Their bodies lifted off the ground and they were suspended in the air. The dead and the blood floated around, making it more of an obstacle to get through. The alarm slowly died and the robotic voice came back on, “Warning! Warning! Space craft is set for impact of Earth in five minutes and twenty-two seconds. Warning! Warning!”

Inuyasha hissed, “Shit! Who’s the dumbass that’s messing with the controls?”

Souta didn’t realize the reproccutions of his actions when he pressed the button for the gravity. It not only controlled the gravity inside the space craft, but it also kept it in orbit. Souta was trying to get to the button before they would crash land, but once it was pressed down it sunk into the mother board. There was a key he had to have in order to over-ride, and he could only guess where it was.

He looked around, “What to do, what to do?” He then saw the intercom and thought of the only thing that could save them from this travesty. He hit the button on the console and said, “This is your captain speaking. Please make your way to the escape pods immediately. I repeat, get to your escape pods immediately. This is not a drill.”

Souta relaxed as he made his way out the door so he too could escape. But when he tried to open the door, it wouldn’t budge. He was trapped within the deck of the ship. Souta tried to calm down. There had to be a way out…


Sesshomaru and Kagome were on their way to the council room when the first set of alarms rang. This meant a code red and a code red was when prisoner’s escaped. They knew that they had successfully escaped and were on their way to the atrium. They had to make this quick and take care of Takahiro before anything else got in the way.

The corridors seemed empty, like Takahiro was expecting them to come in at any moment. Kagome took one side of the door and Sesshomaru took the other. Kagome cocked the gun back, allowing it charge. Sesshomaru had his hand on the hilt of Bakusaiga, ready for the final confrontation. They busted through the doors and when they came in there was Takahiro and Shoichi.

A smile reached Takahiro’s eyes, but not his mouth. “I see you made it.”
Sesshomaru huffed, “It would appear to be so. Surrender now Takahiro and I will be forced to kill you.”

Takahiro laughed, “Kill me? Now what happened with leaving the old ways back in the past? Don’t tell me you changed your mind.”

“It would seem the old ways are needed in dealing with you. You took advantage of the lull in power and you think to over throw this Sesshomaru? You think to make humans into slaves to get back at them? You’re no better than the scum on the bottom of my boots,” Sesshomaru said as he pulled out Bakusaiga.

“Ah, I see you figured it out. No wonder why you joined the rebellion. Without them you would be powerless against me,” Takahiro said as he took a step to the left.
“Don’t move,” Sesshomaru ordered. “Even without the rebellion I could have taken you down. I should have a long time ago when I had the feeling you wanted the high chair. But this Sesshomaru is the Lord of the West and I have the highest power in all of the dominion, unless you forgot that.”

Takahiro chuckled, “How could I forget? But look at you now? You’re mated to a human woman, and your powers haven’t been used in ages. I don’t think you’re as powerful as you think are.”

“Try me wolf,” Sesshomaru could feel his insides roil into anger. If only he could change into his dog form, but the sheer size alone would break the metal and cast them all into space. Sesshomaru rose his hand up and poison began to come out, “I can gut you right here and now.”

Kagome had her gun pointed at Shoichi, who had been silent this whole time. “Kill him! He killed Mayumi!” Shoichi finally blurted out.

It was Kagome’s turn to smile, “He didn’t kill Mayumi. I did with my miko powers. Now stand still or I’ll be forced to kill you.”

“You stupid wench! I’ll fucking kill you,” Shoichi barked out as he began to lunge at Kagome. During this ruckus is when Takahiro made his move.

The laser gun went off and screaming could be heard throughout the room. Kagome shot Shoichi through the chest and he was bleeding out. The laser cauterized the wound from being able to heal properly and this was devastating for a demon. This would ensure that they would die. Shoichi lay on the floor, grabbing at his chest. The blood gargled up his throat until his eyes rolled back.

Kagome whirled around just in time to see Takahiro grab her. He gripped her wrist so tightly that she thought he might have broken it. She dropped the laser gun and yelped out in pain. Takahiro twisted her arm behind her back and made her bend over. He was directly behind her and how it looked; he was dominating her.

Takahiro grabbed her hair and forced her against him. He jutted his hip into her backside and made her body rut forward. His free hand came at her chin and he caressed it like he was her lover.

“Do you want your woman back?” Takahiro asked as he slid his tongue across her cheek. Kagome gave a disgusted look as she tried to get out of his grasp. She gasped out as his grip got tighter.

Sesshomaru stilled, “Let her go.”

“Put your weapons down and I’ll think about it,” Takahiro counteracted back.

Sesshomaru was about to do as Takahiro asked when the intercom turned on, “Warning! Warning! Gravity mode turning off in 5…4…3…2…1…” The alarms sounded and then the gravity turned off. They began floating in the air and in this moment of confusion Kagome twisted out of Takahiro’s grasp and pushed away from him with her legs. She went directly to Sesshomaru who caught her within his arms.

“Warning! Warning! Space craft is set for impact of Earth in five minutes and twenty-two seconds. Warning! Warning!” the robotic voice rang out once more.

“We have to go,” He told Kagome. Sesshomaru glanced at Takahiro and Sesshomaru gave a silent message to his enemy, ‘We’ll finish this later.’

Right now they couldn’t mess with Takahiro, especially now that the space station would be crashing, but Takahiro had his own plans. He lunged at them and they got into a scuffle in the air. With there being no gravity no one could really get enough leverage to give a proper hit. This was only wasting time, time that they couldn’t afford.


Shippo heard the voice and he recognized it as Souta’s. So he was the one that did all this. It was actually brilliant to cause more confusion, but he had this gut feeling that something wasn’t right. They were floating closer and closer to the escape pods, but he couldn’t imagine leaving his mate behind. When they got to the pods they were getting inside.

Shippo shoved himself from Ginta’s back and pushed his friend inside the pod. Inuyasha saw this and yelled out, “What are you doing!?” “I’m saving Souta!” Shippo responded as he hit the button that shut the door between them and sent them off into the safety of space. He saw Inuyasha scuffling inside the pod as everyone tried to calm him down.

Shippo gave a sad smile as he pushed away from the wall. His injuries were slowing him down, but with the gravity down he would be able to make it.

“Three minutes until impact of Earth,” the robot voice chimed in.

Shippo knew he had to hurry if he was going to make it in time. Everyone was trying to escape to the pods, so most of the corridors were empty, making it easier for him to travel. He used the walls to push off of and he finally came to the control deck. He tried the door and it was jammed. He saw that the control pad was secured. The door was so thick that a lesser demon would not be able to tear it down. Shippo didn’t know if he would have enough strength to get it open.

He pressed his ear to the door and he could hear someone moving inside. It had to be Souta trying to find a way in. With his need to see his mate once more, he took the last of his strength and began to slowly pull the door open. The metal screeched as the door was sliding open. Sparks flew as it whined in protest with being forced apart. Shippo got it opened just enough to where he could fit in.

Shippo squeezed in and immediately dropped to the floor. To his surprise he was caught by Souta. “I knew you were in here,” Shippo said in a whisper.

Souta looked his mate over and saw all the damage. Shippo had cuts and bruises all over him; from a swollen eye to a huge gash on the side of his ribcage. Souta forced Shippo into a hug and said, “Dummy. Why did you come here? You should have escaped.”
Shippo chuckled, “I couldn’t leave the one I love the most.”

Souta’s bottom lip quivered, “You’re an idiot! Baka…”

“Who’s the idiot? You’re the one that pressed the wrong button. Now help me up. We need to reduce the fall of this ship so that at least the inner sanctum is safe. There may be stragglers inside,” as Shippo said this, Souta helped him up.

They made their way to the controls and Shippo was able to guide his hands easily over the controls. If there was one thing he knew, it was advanced technology. He put in the code and the ship jutted forward. They were entering Earth’s atmosphere.
“We have to go,” Shippo finally said.

“But it’s too late,” Souta mentioned.

Shippo grunted, “There should be an escape pod in here for the crew, in case of emergencies. Now where is it?”

“Two minutes until impact,” the voice came back again.

The room became dark as the power began to slowly die. That is when Souta felt Shippo grab him by the waist and guide him to a wall. He felt Shippo press something and then they fell into a small pod big enough for three bodies. The inside lit up as Shippo pressed the last button that jetted them into space.

His head lulled back and he felt exhausted. They felt the push of the pod as it went into space. The window was dark, but then it lightened up as millions of stars were seen outside. Souta leaned in close to Shippo and said, “You saved me Shippo. I thought I…”

Souta grabbed onto Shippo and actually began crying, “I thought I lost you. I was so scared for you. But you’re alive.” Souta then kissed Shippo and heard his mate yelp. “Sorry,” Souta said sheepishly.

Shippo grabbed Souta and said, “You love me.” It was more a statement than a question. Shippo wanted Souta to finally admit it. He needed to hear the words.
“I love you Shippo,” Souta said this as he kissed Shippo once more with gentle lips.
The nickname of the disease is Purple Haze, and who planted it was Naraku from 500 years in the past. Those who catch the disease on time are put into pods to be frozen until a cure is found. Kagome, being one of these victims is thrust into a future where everything is uncertain and where a dog demon lord awaits her.

Link to fanfiction account: [link]

Chapter 1: [link]
Chapter 2: [link]
Chapter 3: [link]
Chapter 4: [link]
Chapter 5: [link]
Chapter 6: [link]
Chapter 7: [link]
Chapter 8: [link]
Chapter 9: [link]
Chapter 10: [link]
Chapter 11: [link]
Chapter 12: [link]
Chapter 13: [link]
Chapter 14: [link]
Chapter 15: [link]
Chapter 16: [link]
Chapter 17: [link]
Chapter 18: [link]
Chapter 19: [link]
Chapter 20: [link]
Chapter 21: [link]
Chapter 22:[link]
Chapter 23: HERE
Chapter 24 END: [link]

Inuyasha Cast (c) Rumiko Takahashi
© 2013 - 2024 RuuRuu-Chan
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jbailuk's avatar
Awwwww totally loved this. And Souta admitting his love to Shippo bonus!